Jeffery (Bart) Bingenheimer

Jeffery (Bart) Bingenheimer
Ph.D., M.P.H.
Associate Professor, Department of Prevention and Community Health
Jeffrey (Bart) Bingenheimer is an Associate Professor in the Department of Prevention and Community Health at the Milken Institute School of Public Health. His research focuses primarily on the influences of social contexts on behaviors related to sexual and reproductive health in sub-Saharan Africa. Dr. Bingenheimer has studied the gendered influences of family, peer, relationship, and community contexts on adolescent sexual risk behaviors in Ghana, and the influences of social networks on modern contraceptive use in rural Kenya, among other things. He also has interests in quantitative research methods, especially for quantifying psychosocial and socioecological variables and strengthening causal inference in observational studies. Dr. Bingenheimer is the Editor of the journal Studies in Family Planning.