Sarah Baird

Sarah Baird
Ph.D., M.S.
Sarah Baird is an Associate Professor of Global Health and Economics in the Department of Global Health. She is also the Vice Chair of the Department of Global Health. Dr. Baird’s research interests are largely contained within the intersection of health, poverty, and education at a micro level. She utilizes quantitative research methods to investigate the causal effects of programs and policies on health and education outcomes, with a particular focus on gender and youth.
Dr. Baird is currently the quantitative lead for the Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE) program, a study that is longitudinally following youth in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Jordan and Rwanda, to understand strategies and programs that can improve the lives of adolescents. She is also the PI on a project that aims to increase postpartum family planning by first-time parents in Bangladesh and Tanzania. Further, she has participated in randomized impact evaluations in Malawi (cash transfers), Kenya (school-based deworming), and Uganda (group interpersonal psychotherapy and cash transfers). Dr. Baird received her PhD from the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of California, Berkeley.